Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo is a American cartoon series. The show revolved around the conflict between a supervillain called a superhero called alias billionaire Xander Crews Great X, and also a lot of the humor of the show and Killface focuses on parodying super-hero and also activity movie clichés. It stopped its season on January 22, 2007 and debuted on October 16, 2006. The second season premiered on August 26, 2007 and stopped on March 23, 2008. A season was first in development, but in the lack of a renewal contract out of Adult Swim, pre-production stopped. The production company 70/30 Productions, subsequently went out of business.
A spin-off series established on November 9, 2008, however, two episodes were aired before the production company's closure.
Released: 2006-10-16